Thursday, July 06, 2006

Back from such a freaking long hiatus!!

I have really neglected this blog for a trillion years and i really need to apologise to it.. it recorded some of my best memories with my previous CG2 especially in its final moments during the Paeds posting...

After a whirlwind elective in Sri Lanka and Johns Hopkins, all I have to say is that it was a BLAST of an experience and i never ever regret this decision to make this round-the-world escapade. the people i met and the intense elective experience was something that i will always treasure, and i would never fathom why one would choose to stay in Singapore apart from financial reasons.

Anyhow I am kinda settled in my new CG , and i must say i feel like a new man ! Free from the reins of a certain ultra-competitive individual who will take no mercy in trampling upon others in the race to get to the top... The new cg definitely is a bipolar disorder itself .. we have the trio of guys and another trio of girls , and unlike my previous CG, there was definitely an issue of gelling together.. well at least there's Marie France who joined us from our senior batch, and he seems to gel with both trios. well at least the girls love good food so that's a major major plus for me :-) . the psycho. med revision posting must really take the Razzie award of being the most uninspiring and morgue-like posting in my life-- i have never felt so drained and anergic with all those draggy clerking sessions and the follow-through tutorials. whatsmore, i have this magical ability to attract schizophrenic patients to myself, particularly the middle-aged female prototype ..i certainly dun think it's a good thing.

other major issues of course .. i did some facial surgery to remove some chickenpox scars and some warts (dun ask).. there are like red-spots on my cheeks that make me look like Archie , but that's fine i guess =) just that i usually have to run so fast between the CGH carpark and the OPD to avoid being spotted by some kaypoh medical colleague.

about the mavis hee thingy.. well i am sad for her because her songs however melancholic do bring back memories of my secondary school times.. she's like the chinese version of evanescence (gothic hairdo and all, sort of like Ivy Lee's hairdo on that cop show) and her lyrics do tell sometimes a hauntingly depressed state of mind, especially Tie Chuang ( you can actually pick out most of DSM-IV criteria for depression in that song )

Me seated by the lake of one ancient city in Sri Lanka


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