Tuesday, January 24, 2006

REALLY long day at Ward 45

Ok I must say this was a really crazy day full of unexpected surprises...

1. The seductive and almost hyper-sexual SMS Moth showed me in the morning , which Cao Cao sent to him ( supposedly by mistake hurh hurh ) last night before bed . ( Goodness - first dyspneic breath in the morning )

2. Discovering who my mystery neurology tutor was , when a patient immobilised with SMA was teasing me about not knowing who Dr. Chong SC was , and WORST , teasing me about taking a liking for older women just because I raved a bit about how good Prof Low was. ( GOODNESS - second dyspneic breath )

3. Getting a surprise call from the secretary that our ward assessment was suddenly tomorrow with the famous Netball Queen. ( OH MI GAWD -- pulmonary hypertension )

4. Seeing Dr. T Lim walk past and giving us the knowing "Please clerk as many patients and hopefully we will discuss 10x that many , even if it takes us until 12 am and the next Chinese New Year weekend" smile. ... ( ARGGGHHH .. SVT )

5. Getting a child patient with nephrotic syndrome challenge me to stop behaving like a kindergarten kid in front of her , or else risk getting my kidneys being transplanted out by Prof Yap. ( YEEEEEEEEEEKZZ ... Zonghan approaching with a lumbar puncture kit .. )

ECG flat ........ I just died of cardiac failure. Oh will the wonderful Dr. Blue Fern please revive me with a lovely digoxin kiss ?


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