Sunday, January 29, 2006

Some pictures from Chinese New Year in Malaysia

As with any good medical student , I must learn to list out the things that happened on my trip like the way Denise Goh lists out the 350 differentials to Cyclospora diarrhea.

1. Knowing I have a new nephew and he's a 40 day old vaccum delivery infant. Mother is my cousin , and father is a Malay. I call him a word that vaguely sounds like "Anas" ( goodness Anus? goood boy -- niiicee and bigg) coz' I can't really pronounce his Malay name. The baby is lovely but he always needs someone to carry.

2. Waiting like a dog for 4-5 hours at Kuala Lumpur International Airport where you get the usual bad service from Malaysia Airlines counter staff and the all the wonderful service of Andrew and the rest of the SQ staff who assured me that I will get a flight home. Well I did eventually , after waiting for like 5 hrs on SQ 119 which was at 10pm ( I arrived at 5 pm ). of course the lovely geishas on the flight were all too happy to relieve me of my tension.

3. Bringing back all the chocolate biscuits , cheap freshly-baked Famous Amos butterscotch cookies which were like 7-8 dollars cheaper than Singapore , and the lovely oh so lovely cheese cookies which was baked by a nice Indonesian lady and given to my cousin.

4. Being forced to measure the blood pressures of all my relatives , and to snatch away a tin of love letters from my uncle who is running a BP of 150/110 on combination medications.

5. Receiving 1/3 of my usual hong pao coz' the entire Ow family didn't come down to the ancestral home in Bentong because Uncle Ow was just recovering from the gastrectomy. It was good to see him as good as normal although the operation was like so major.

6. Meeting all my cousins , nephews and nieces one more time !!!!!



Blogger Pauleon said...

just drop by to say hi. haha. =]

12:55 AM  

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