Sunday, July 16, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean: Jessica Simpson's chest

Went out with xhua and kossie to watch the much awaited Pirates of the Caribbean. Actually I dun really seem to be having much luck with movies nowadays.. i didn't exactly enjoy Superman at the IMAX, where the durian-shaped screens gave me more of a cervical spondylitis than a wholesome 3D experience. Now for the long awaited Pirates, the opening was pretty fun action with Jack Sparrow running from a tribe of man-eating Asian natives. Later, it just got super draggy with the trio of Jack, William and Elizabeth in this constant swush-buckling battle with squid tentacles, shell-heads, hammer-head and shuma-goraths. the worst part was seeing the second sequel come to an abrupt end, with Captain Jack Sparrow disappearing into the giant octopus cheebye????? Obviously a futile attempt to lure us into the third instalment.

Went to old airport road, the makeshift premises. it was pretty stuffy and hot, so definitely not worth coming for the time being. Worth mentioning is the red-wine chicken (very tender and wholesome, especially suitable for gravid uteruses) and the
ham dandumpling. I have never seen rice dumplings with ham dan, and i really lurrrve ham dan. A bit expensive though at 1.80 per dumpling. Xhua discovered his bulimic Hokkien tendencies with a gigantic platter of mixed grilled items. Next stop was the Rochor beancurd at Short Street.. i was so sad for the rochor guys that the adjacent stall is like poaching all their customers just after today's innocuous article in the newspaper. As we all noe from clinton's email to sabo into class-repship, propaganda is dangerous.

Was having a real bad throbbing headache, so i was glad in the sense to send the guys home, and get some tylenol at home. Monday blues are hitting realll fast... oh a tribute to clinton for putting a disgusting picture of me and guanhao on his blog..


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