Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Draggy draggy day in Orthopaedics

This is the usual boring day in TTSH Ortho. Morning lectures. Break. Eat soya bean ice cream and meet up with other fellow meddies coming to the now-famous Mr. Bean stall in TTSH... realised that a lot of people are now talking about what hospitals and postings they are gunning for in the HO years, a reminder that HOship and the dreadful MBBS is drawing near ... OMG dr. lai is really funny .. he has this sense of quirky humour that's a bit eccentric but is just so totally my style. not to say his lecture was all crass, it was actually very systematic.

afternoon. change up to meet a dr. oh in the OT. tutorial about NOF (hm..zzz.) only highlight was seeing the girls wearing oversized OT scrubs making them look like Victorian maids in drag.

well at least i got my ethics case writeup case from dr. tan tl. dreadfully long case but at least it's really worth discussing.

yawn. so tired .. how to study? and marie france suggests we meet at 0730 tmrw at DSOT to see all those volar ganglions, carpal tunnels ... (ok lor although i will be really zzz haha) i get this impression he's a bit worried our CG is way too slack.


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