Thursday, September 07, 2006

A well-spent (?) recess

Well i guess this recess was a well-earnt break from the dreariness of SIP.. but staying at home and watching re-runs of B- horror flicks on HBO/Cinemax/Star Movies isn't exactly the best way to spend it i guess..

Watched . Thought that Miranda Priestly was rather over-hyped as a uber-boss.. i have DEFInitely met worse characters than that especially back in my alma mater secondary school. Just that the ones I met don't dump mink coats and Ferragamo accessories on desks, but stacks of comprehension worksheets. Lurrve the slutty humour though, especially the montage of scenes where Andy sashays down NY 7th Avenue in a eye-boggling spin of outfits. I really do miss new york city , especially with this new academic year proving dreary and tiring.

I can't believe on the other hand that I spent HALF a day reading through the LiveJournals of some local theatre actor/model Edric (always featured in our local ads). I say, the social circle of these ppl in theatre is just eNormous, and their daily exploits is filled with so much vibrance and glamour. One minute they can be jet-setting to India for a shoot, a 3 day sojourn to Bangkok, and their incredible network of friends have really eclectic tastes/habits too as reflected by their own LJs. From SQ stewards to models to what-have-you.. i certainly was really in awe reading about their various exploits (i won't elaborate).

Which brings me back to reality that in Medicine, especially as a house officer, the whole world out there, is just like literally shut off. Your life just runs like a mechanical Soviet-era clockwork: wake,hospital duties,eat(+/-),sleep. Sure a lot of ppl would treasure this predictability and stability of a career, but it always awes me to see what glamorous and chic lifestyles the ppl lead in the other professions (especially of the artsy-fartsy kind). I definitely know some of the stuff that these guys do would be a strict NO-NO in our medical circle, so it's kind of like a forbidden fruit thing i guess. Nice to look, maybe can touch but cannot eat. Sigh.


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