Wednesday, August 02, 2006

SGH SIP continues on and on..

OK week 1 passed.. sort of settled into the pretty stressful team environment. I guess the only way you can survive in this kinda stressful environment is to be steady and assert your competency, which i am struggling to do.. Saturday was like a normal day except we get to go off earlier at 1pm after finishing the changes.

Sunday was call day for me , where I was posted to Renal ward. Fwah.. some of the veins are finer than a thread but i find that giving them a hot milo drink or taking bloods after lunch has better yield. Of course i usually try my luck before lunch, and if cannot after 1 poke, i will flash them a "i'll be back..." smile much to their chagrin.. i generally find the renal patients more tolerant to the pain larh though.. probably because the dialysis needles aren't any smaller.

whatsmore, some of the team physicians demand for massive quantities of blood (like 3 culture bottles and tubes of every colour of the rainbow).. pls lor the renal patients usually have one arm gone to an AVF , the other arm veins are usually iffy.. leg veins look like they can only support enough for a hypocount reading. my HO was only too glad to suggest a femoral ABG for the 25ml needed.

the new consultant for my team is much more relaxed and less gungho about putting 10001 changes during rounds, which means much less to do. the registrar is given a lot more freehand to manage the patients in a sense coz' his rounds are quite perfunctory. Well today was a bad day. my only change was doing a ABG for a patient in my cubicle. Bad mistake manz. She screamed so loud and dug her fingernails into my arm as i was barely inserting the needle into her wrist. What's this? Newton's 1st law.. when someone's in pain, he or she will inflict an equal and opposite pain on others..

Obviously i was too unnerved to get much blood from the elusive radial artery .. i never was very good with radial ABGs in the first place. what's more the patient put on this stinky Axe Brand medicated oil which triggered a massive rhinitis of mine. it was especially bad since all the oil vapours were re-circulating in the enclosed space within the drawn curtains around her bed. my eyes were tearing and my nose running as i was doing my last few changes like updating patient's familes over the phone. there's this friendly elective student from australia who noticed i had a runny nose , and offered me this super potent Australian flu tablets (which contained a cocktail of decongestants). Took one tablet .. tasted like rotten semen , and i felt a bit better.

Bad mistake #2: i started feeling really really woozy driving back along the shitty traffic-congested AYE (chlorpheniramine in those tablets plus the fact i hadn't much sleep for the past 7 days). As I neared my exit from AYE, i nearly wanted to peng san liaoz .. when i finally reached home, I CRASHED.

Woke up and screamed. I was supposed to have watched this movie with Kossie and Xhua at 1930. Drats. This hospital life is really causing me to die a slow death...


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