Saturday, July 29, 2006

End of Week 1 in SIP (not quite)

Last time my week would end sometime on a glorious Friday afternoon but now with my 7 day work week, my week never ends .. every morning at the crack of dawn, ( no wait even BEFORE the crack of dawn ) i have to struggle out of bed as if i have duchenne's muscular dystrophy, waddle to the toilet and grudgingly wash up. reach SGH target by 0730, and start grabbing the IMRs and case notes from the ultra-possessive nurses (haha no larh most of them are super nice especially mi good friends staff meihui "xiao jie", zenghui, mageesh...) ... Start pre-rounding as many patients in the cubicle as possible before the team starts marching in..

once the team starts marching in, it's a flurry of new orders, new instructions, new questions.. sigh sometimes i think that it's already a great achievement that i am even having a quantifiable GCS score when you are up and awake, probbing patients on saturday and sunday mornings...

it's really a thankless job in some ways, but then again most of them are pretty understanding and often give grateful smiles that make your life a bit easier to live. Not that you should be expecting gratitude in anyway. i think it's just sad that some patients don't have insight into their own illness such that they think we are just ordering all these 1001 lab tests out of our own whim and fancy.


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