Monday, October 23, 2006

The beginning of boredom.

Ok this is day 1 of Surgery SIP at TTSH: now surgery SIP at TTSH is verrrrrrry different from the well-structured surgery posting TTSH offers to medical students. It is obvious, at least to me, that the surgery sip was just a souless, half-hearted effort by the Surgery Dept. to match the well-structured Medicine SIP programme.

So me and kelvin followed the vascular team, mainly being curtain-openers/closers ( i usually do the one that pulls straight and curves inward such that you have to drag it across the bodies of the consultants/registrars : the difficult one, while kelvin does the curtain that pulls just straight across: the easier one hehe)

we do get some cursory input from the medical officer but that's about it. it wasn't any different from innocent M3 medical students following a surgery ward round, desperately hoping for some kind MO or registrar to spit back some tiny drop of information/fact/surgery pearl that we would lap up like hungry dogs.

we did get quite a bit of teaching by mr. chia kh but that's about it. after the ward round, everyone dispersed. me and kelvin found ourselves totally LOST : it's so horrible to be stuck in a hospital without any aim. at least in medicine SIP, tiring yeah and all, at least we had some role to play and an aim to fulfill.

the only excitement was when one of the patients we were reviewing suddenly threw a seizure, and of course larh all the excitement starts (reg/ac starts pointing north-south-east-west for bloods-stat/ABG/forms/ECG which poor us would be scurrying around like mice on a kwali.


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