Dermatology over !!
dermatology posting just ended, and i must say it was a lot more fun than the preceding ID posting. the variety of skin cases was really interesting, and the variety of personalities at NSC was also fascinating :
you have the :
(i) ferragamo-shoe + dior watch + che che tote bag SIA girl doll-like registrar
(ii) motherly senior consultant who nags you not to be late for her 8am clinics
(iii)grand dame "koh chieng mun"-spinoffs speaking in Queen's English about her life-long fetish with mindmaps and fraudulent motivational speakers
(iv) charismatic, well-heeled male consultants
(v) the male divas who sashay into clinics a la Linda Evangelistas strutting in Prada boots in Milan.
not forgetting the always-so politically correct HR manager and his long suffering dorky assistant who prowls the NSC grounds for missing medical students...

and of course the librarian who reminds me of a younger , albeit much tamer incarnate of attendant Gopal of Chinese High fame...
you have the :
(i) ferragamo-shoe + dior watch + che che tote bag SIA girl doll-like registrar
(ii) motherly senior consultant who nags you not to be late for her 8am clinics
(iii)grand dame "koh chieng mun"-spinoffs speaking in Queen's English about her life-long fetish with mindmaps and fraudulent motivational speakers
(iv) charismatic, well-heeled male consultants
(v) the male divas who sashay into clinics a la Linda Evangelistas strutting in Prada boots in Milan.
not forgetting the always-so politically correct HR manager and his long suffering dorky assistant who prowls the NSC grounds for missing medical students...

and of course the librarian who reminds me of a younger , albeit much tamer incarnate of attendant Gopal of Chinese High fame...
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